I remember not that long ago when I lacked the faith for the finances to fly from San Francisco to Kansas City. It was about five years ago, and I was invited to attend a Middle East meeting that would forever change my life. I knew I had to go, but I hadn’t the resources or the faith. Something struck my heart, and I knew I had to put my “faith” where my mouth was.
That trip would set me on the course that I am now on, and into the work I now do, with the very people I serve alongside in so many areas. What would have happened if I didn’t go? The cost of the air ticket, the rental car, the place to stay, the conference fee, and meals for those days- it was about $600. Can you imagine that $600 could have kept me from stepping into the path the Lord had for me?
I’m reading Rees Howells Intercessor right now, and found this article written about him on the Justice House of Prayer’s blog about faith.
I’m not getting down on myself for the years of living in fear of finances, but rather pointing to a moment in time of deliverance. And once you are on the other side, you can say “I did it”! I survived; my family survived. My bank account survived. And now I have built up the faith of $50, to $100, to $200, and now $600! What will I do with Jesus next?!
Since that time (less than five years ago) I have traveled to 13 countries! I have blessed others in contributing to their trips and supported various Missionaries financially and through prayer on many journeys.
So when our family needed to raise $12,000 to take everyone to experience working abroad in a foreign land, I was not crippled with fear, I knew I had heard from the Lord, and I knew that my faith again would being tested. This is what I believe is the substance.
Indeed, I will be oozing with the substance this experience has created! I have the confidence that my children also, seeing the hard times, seeing God come through, seeing us believing and holding on to faith, they too will carry this substance with them as they go out into the world on their journeys.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be known for someone who has all the right words, but never actually walked it out. I want to continue getting my hands dirty in the faith walk! Each individual may have different areas where your faith has tested you- for you maybe it wasn’t provision of finances- but whatever area that is- I pray this for you; may you experience the joy of obedience as you step out believing God can and will do according to His good purposes for you. He will not let you fall! He will let you get messy and produce substance for your faith.
Amen. let it be so.