Moses Moments
I never considered myself to be a substantial leader, more of someone playing a supporting role in ministry and businesses where I have worked over the years. As I grow older I continue to find myself in places where I am having to rise up as a leader, and be challenged in new ways. Being a leader has always come naturally to me, yet I have run from it at the very same time. There is a cause, or something that needs to be done, and I see it, and rise up to do it. At the same time, I secretly wish someone else more skilled than I would raise their hand first. Why? Because I realize that my strength comes from passion and willingness, not necessarily skill. I love this quote:
“The reality is that the Lord never calls the qualified; He qualifies the called.”
I'm not sure if you've ever experienced a "Moses Moment", by that I mean feeling like you got yourself into a place of leadership where you are looking to God and saying, "are You seriously able to use me here?"
Sometimes as a mom I look at my children and think that. "Lord, are you sure you chose the right woman to mother these kids??" The task in front of me seems greater than my leadership abilities. Then, you have a moment...
The Moment...
I remember one time we were in the back yard with some friends, all the kids were playing together, and we were so thankful to have this time with another family and just relaxing. All of a sudden my son, who was about 4 or 5 at the time, fell and busted his face open on the cement stairs in the back yard. All of a sudden, my husband and I just scooped him up, prayed over him, excused ourselves from our friends, and got in the car to go to the hospital. In a moment of crisis this force came over us, sure there was adrenaline involved, but it was the Force of Leadership rising in us, and causing us to fall into line like a military zone.
I remember after that night, those friends telling me how impressed they were of how my husband and I came into this perfect sync with each other and just got this whole situation handled peacefully and in order. That was the first time I realized that there is a supernatural force behind leading.
Being a Leader
Everyone is a leader. You might not think you are, but in some way, somewhere, you are leading someone or something. You were wired with supernatural DNA to create, to design, and to multiply. No one was created to stay in a room alone for the duration of their days. We were created to interact and influence the world around us. And, if that is so, don't you think God would provide a supernatural force, or ability, for you to lead? I think so.
“Will God ever ask you to do something you are not able to do? The answer is yes—all the time! It must be that way, for God’s glory and kingdom. If we function according to our ability alone, we get the glory; if we function according to the power of the Spirit within us, God gets the glory. He wants to reveal Himself to a watching world.”
One of my favorite examples in the Bible of Leadership by supernatural force is Esther. Here is a young woman who was definitely not looking for leadership, yet leadership was in her waiting to be awakened, wasn't it? You are probably familiar with the story, but if not, take a minute and read through the Book of Esther, Chapters 1-4, specifically, to get the background.
Here is Esther, in the King's palace, oozing with favor with God and man, perfectly set up. When Mordecai challenges her to go before the king, she shrinks back. Her naturally inclination is, "don't push it Esther. Just because you are in the palace doesn't mean you should be pushing the envelope with the King." But something happened in her when Mordecai said these words:
“Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”
These all powerful words: For Such A Time As This. As those words were spoken a supernatural lion was awakened in her. The only way I can describe it is the physical adrenaline crashing into the fear of God that causes a great rising up in our inner man do step out in authority as a leader. This supernatural force brings us miles ahead in our faith, it expedites our growth because we rise up to challenges that we would ordinarily shrink back when faced with. It could be that we are tired, weary, afraid of disappointment, or other really good reasons that feel bigger than we do when it is time to lead.
But, can I tell you that if you feel that force coming toward you and you are trying to decide to lean into it or run away, it is SO worth it to lean into it! Let the Lord grab a hold of you and cause you to rise up as a leader!
A Word For You
The Lord is searching the earth right now for those whose eyes are set on Him and hearts are fully in love with Him! He is searching for those who will agree with the truth and righteousness and take a stand in these dark hours of history and bring light and hope to this generation! His Spirit is at work on your behalf! All you need to do is get your eyes on Him and lean into Him. Trust Him for the tools you need, He is faithful!
Have you felt the Lord nudging you into leadership?
What are you afraid of in the area of responsibility/leadership?
Is the risk worth being where God is directing you to step into?
Take time to meditate on things the Lord is highlighting in your life regarding your roles and calling. Ask the Lord to extend strength to you to lean into Him.
Remember the Lord is Faithful! Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled! (Matthew 5)