It is a furnace, it is in this place we face our demons. You know when you are alone, truly alone, you find out how much you can’t stand being alone. Alone with your thoughts, alone with your insecurities, alone with the realities of the parts of you inside poking their heads out to remind you that they are still there and you can’t ignore them when you are alone, just you and God. You must get around people and be busy- distracted, in order to ignore the existence of these demons.
Read MoreThe Privilege of Praise in Suffering
When we are delivered out of this world and in heaven with Christ there will be no more tears, no more pain, no more suffering. The pains of this age will cease. The betrayals and accusations will be a thing of the past. All the things that ail us will be remembered no more. There will be no more dark days. My offering of praise when everything seems perfect and is going my way does not cost the same as the offering I give when I am so heavy burdened I can barely stand.
Read MoreI'm Purposely Not Telling You
Sometimes I feel like I want to throw a fit- God! Why aren’t You answering me? Why aren’t You speaking? Can You just make this clear please? But what a humbling meditation to think that there actually may be a good reason He is being quiet… and it has nothing to do with my motivations, piety or me at all. There’s more happening than meets the eye and I must develop this ‘trust muscle’.
The year was 2009 and I found myself like a mother hen gathering her chicks and looking for safety for us to take refuge. I remember the feeling of being incredible vulnerable and resolute simultaneously. There was no option of rolling over I had to find strength and push through for these little ones. We drove our kids across the country and came into the prayer room in Kansas City and as I sat in the front row while the worship team played, the my heart was directed to Psalm 84 and this passage has been so dear to my heart ever since.
Read MoreLove for Love
Can you sit in a room with someone, say no words, give no actions, and feel loved? This is what we run to and run away from with God. There is no greater love felt than simply being in God’s presence, could you agree? To be in the presence of another and feel love, is truly love. When there is nothing to gain from it, nothing to stoke it to keep it going, it simply is.
Read MoreBeing Used By God
I heard someone preach about this idea of “being used by God” a long time ago, and the imagery they shared stuck with me for many years and often comes up in my mind.
I was thinking about this idea of how we find our value in being ‘used’ by God. If we are God’s children and we desire God to ‘use’ us, what’s wrong with that, right?
Read MoreAll things work together
I have never been one who could follow a recipe precisely. Most of the time that hasn’t been a problem, so it comes out less sweet or needing salt, no big deal. However there have been so many times that I missed a critical ingredient or tried to do my own thing and it came out horrible. I can’t count the number of baked goods I have had to throw away over the years because no one would eat it. And yet I would continue to make the same mistake over and over and tell myself, “Why cant you just follow the recipe!?” There have been times however that I messed up pretty bad and unexpectedly it came out amazing! Shocking!
Read MoreEndurance
Of all the 10 prayers, I probably say this one the most. This may be the most strategic prayer you will ever pray during your time in the age... Father, grant to me endurance for the race!
Read MoreEnduring
Life is not easy. But the storms of life are for our good, they build up our spiritual muscles and if we learn how to endure through them rightly, we will gain a deeper relationship with God than we ever thought possible.
Read MoreThe Value of a Word
Silence is the greatest teacher. I have often been found guilty of over sharing- the first few sentences are all that really needed to be said, why did I go on? Why did I feel I needed to give more explanation? Why did I feel my words were more valuable than others thus dominating precious time? The truth is, my words actually are very valuable and worthy. The words I have to speak have come out of hours, days, weeks, and years of studying, meditating, and receiving from God on a certain topic that my heart/soul/mind was ready to learn and absorb. So how can I expect to convey a thought or idea to someone who is not primed in the same area?
Read MoreThe Substance of Faith
Faith, the evidence of things not seen… evidence means there is something to show for it. Substance. This is not blind faith, but it develops the more we practice it. What are the areas you have struggled to have faith for? Here’s how I overcame in the area of faith for financial provision.
Read MoreSuffering Perfects Us
When I think back to my early days as a believer, “after I was enlightened”, I remember the great struggles I endured. Sometimes we refer to this as the “working out of our salvation”, but these struggles, internally and externally, are the birth of our faith.
Read MoreFeelings
Feelings got you down? Thank God for them!! I have an encouraging word for you today about those feelings of yours… lets maximize and exploit what the enemy meant for evil through thanksgiving today!
Read MoreHe is Everything
When you choose to seek the Lord while He may be found, it can take you to heights that change perspective, and priorities.
Read MoreAuthority in the Spirit
As believers in Christ Jesus we are more than passive pew warmers! Why would Christ come to earth and suffer an excruciating death just for us to go sing some songs and rub elbows at Christian Country Clubs? That's right! There is more! You have a purpose in God and He's given you authority over darkness, sickness, and death. Learn more in this post on SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY.
Read MoreWhy Pray?
I have thought about this question and pondered the retorts for over ten years now. When faced with natural disasters happening all over our country, affecting those we know and love, I am reminded again of some of the answers to these questions. One of the most important answers is this; it keeps me human.
Read MoreWho Do You Think You Are?
Depending on who's asking the question, you make get a different response. Does what you think about yourself impact your ability to function in your calling? YES. We need to get in agreement with who God says we are!
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