NEHEMIAH Chapter 8 is the beginning of the spiritual revival and the people were renewed in their reverence for the scripture, worship, and understanding of the law, for starters. With every revival, there is always a "rebible"- that is, a heightened hunger and release of the Word of God.
Read MoreTrust the Process
There was a lot more to the rebuilding of the walls than building them. We are talking about administrating and entire city of people, getting them to work together, and having a plan that would ensure the future success of the protection of Jerusalem. How was Nehemiah going to be sure that these walls didn't get torn down again? He trusted the process even when he couldn’t see the full picture.
Read MoreConsistency
In Chapter six we see Nehemiah once again battling opposition. Gossip, attack on his character, his motives, false prophets... OH MY! The key to staying strong in the midst of accusation consistent focus. "Whatever God has called us to do, beware of being sidetracked with fruitless issues." - D.K. Campbell
Read MoreWhen Will Jesus Return?
The blessed hope, the return of Christ, this is where it is all heading. When we begin with the end in mind, refocus and reset, we find it is all about a wedding. And like all weddings, there is much preparation to be done. This wedding, unlike others, however, does not have a set date we have been made aware of. Can you imagine? Preparing for your wedding, but you do not know the date. You do however know the things that must be done to prepare.
The two-fold preparation of the bride being made ready, and the fullness of the bride (those yet to come into the family of God) being won in heart to Christ. With the mandate of the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations, we show our love to our bridegroom by obeying this (and all His) command(s).
Read MoreFaith and Time
Jesus said, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can say to this mountain “move from here to there” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” It is interesting that He choose to use the “seed” as a faith analogy.
When you think about it, a seed can give birth to an entire forest.
Read MoreThe Chief End of Man's existence
The ultimate future and hope for all believers is that Jesus is going to return, and when He returns, He will be established as the King over the earth. This is the Blessed Hope of every believer- the second coming of Christ. It is easy to get sidetracked with living good lives, acquiring good things, and building great things in the name of Jesus on the earth- but there is one chief end to all man’s purpose. That is to fear God and obey His commandments. There is one thing that “this” is all unto. Keeping that in front of us, we realize that we have lost a zeal in the Western Church for Jesus Himself.
Read MoreThe Generous Leader
Funny isn’t it, when there is something from the outside coming at you, you tend to band together and get over your differences pretty quickly. But, when there is little or no outside opposition, you start to see the small things right on the inside of your own home/family/community and even nit-pick.
In chapter 5 Nehemiah learns that the Jews were charging each other interest when lending to them, and this brought about a whole lot more findings…
Read MoreGod Will Fight for You
The enemy always uses fear tactics. If he cant get to the leader, he will hit the people around the leader to get the leader to stop and force him to engage and address the people. Even this tactic of the enemy always futile because the leader will then pastor the people, bring them into unity and end up with greater strength than before as is the case with most challenges life brings us.
Read MoreDo Something, Together
In Nehemiah verse 4, The “rubbish”, in Hebrew, it’s the only occurrence of this word. The next nearest translation means “rubble”, “dust”, “debris”. The picture in my mind is like what ground zero looked like after 911. There was so much, that it took so many, many people so long to clear it. I imagine the workers at the beginning full of strength and patriotism for their country. Then after months, and years, see the heaps upon heaps still staring at them in the face can feel like a dent has hardly been made.
Read MoreThe Action of Watchmen
In verse 3 we see action. "prayed" and "stationed guards". This is a two-fold, double barrier strategy. While I am praying, you stand guard. There is a misconception that prayer, waiting or watching is “passive”- that couldn’t any farther from the truth! Have you ever stayed up all night waiting for your teenager to get home?Technically that is waiting and watching. How does your mind and emotions feel? Are they at rest? How does your body feel losing sleep? Watching and praying is work. It is very active…
Read MoreNehemiah's Opposition
Opposition! Ugh! No one likes opposition, but I’ve heard it said that as surely as you set out to do something for God, someone will surely come to oppose it. Opposition gets us into a place of considering, or reconsidering, if what we are doing is a good idea or a God idea. (Thank you "opposition"!)
There is a difference between "good" and "God". I have good ideas all the time, seriously, I do. I have great ideas, in fact the problem is that I have so many ideas I have to really sort through them and ask, “Is this a good idea, or a God idea?” all the time. Nehemiah prayed, fasted, went to his leader, and had much confirmation before the opposition came.
Read MoreThe Heart of a Sojourner
Sojourner. It is about the journey into the heart of God. This song has been ministering to me, helping me slow down, and remember the pilgrimage is about the journey, and what happens in us and through us in the journey of the pilgrimage. It's never been about the destination, but the obedience to go. Recently published on my youtube channel:
Read MoreWhat is My Offering?
Recently the Lord reminded me of this song I wrote, one of the very first songs after coming to Christ, I was about 20 years old, such a different sound, not like anything I ever heard before. A different sound, a different style, my music never really fit anywhere… but I have a feeling back then it was Psalm 51 that inspired this song. As I was meditating on this psalm again this week I pulled that old song out again and began playing it and so much came back to me.
Read MoreEndurance
Of all the 10 prayers, I probably say this one the most. This may be the most strategic prayer you will ever pray during your time in the age... Father, grant to me endurance for the race!
Read MoreEnduring
Life is not easy. But the storms of life are for our good, they build up our spiritual muscles and if we learn how to endure through them rightly, we will gain a deeper relationship with God than we ever thought possible.
Read MorePower of the Song
You may be familiar with the power of words. Ever been in a room where people are being negative? Gossiping, ranting, 'word-puking'? If you have been around that, you may understand what it feels like- you physically may feel nauseous, get a headache all of a sudden, or even have physical pain.
Read MoreThe Value of a Word
Silence is the greatest teacher. I have often been found guilty of over sharing- the first few sentences are all that really needed to be said, why did I go on? Why did I feel I needed to give more explanation? Why did I feel my words were more valuable than others thus dominating precious time? The truth is, my words actually are very valuable and worthy. The words I have to speak have come out of hours, days, weeks, and years of studying, meditating, and receiving from God on a certain topic that my heart/soul/mind was ready to learn and absorb. So how can I expect to convey a thought or idea to someone who is not primed in the same area?
Read MoreDon't Back Down
Have you been battling in your mind with accusing thoughts from the enemy? I have an encouraging word for you—
Read MoreThe Substance of Faith
Faith, the evidence of things not seen… evidence means there is something to show for it. Substance. This is not blind faith, but it develops the more we practice it. What are the areas you have struggled to have faith for? Here’s how I overcame in the area of faith for financial provision.
Read MoreSinging in the Spirit
Singing in the spirit is something that most of us, if asked, would say is in us, but we just need “permission” to let it out. There is a song inside of every person- it’s the Song of the Lord, the song that He put there.
In Psalm 149, the psalmist lays out the “order” in which God desires and has designed “sung worship” to flow out of. That song, is the cry of the human heart to connect with God, our Maker, our Creator, and find our place in “The Story” of the ages.
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